Sunday, August 26, 2007


Its performance is the envy of executives and engineers around the world ... For techno-evangelists, Google is a marvel of Web brilliance ... For Wall Street, it is the IPO that changed everything (again)

Its a phenomena...Its so powerful that many of us have never used other search like and yahoo search (which according to experts are as good as google)..Search has become synchronous with google.

I have just finished reading "The Google Story" and am all praise for Google rite now...Its everywhere...from search, e-mail, gtalk, orkut,google earth, spreadsheet,blogspot, youtube, google news...Its one stop for everything u want on the net...No wonder many have tried to emulate google...but the charm of google is so so high that people come back to google even when it has done zero marketing till date... Most of us still wonder how the hell does google make money....The using of the word "sponsored link" for ADs is also a brilliance in itself. The most prized real estate in the internet world is the Google main page...but as the company wants the page to be loaded quickly, there r no ads on it...I can go lengths and lengths on praises about wud be better you read the book...Hats off to google for making life simpler :) One can look for what mite google become in 2084 below...

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