Thursday, October 02, 2008

How are our thoughts formed???

How are views formed in our mind? How do we decide what we think about a matter? How are our thoughts influenced? We have only two senses which play a role here, what we hear and what we see. Our thoughts are greatly molded by what we read in the newspapers, magazines etc. What we see on the idiot box and the kind of discussion we have have with others also go a long way to fortify our views. I have never met Bin Laden, neither would have 99 % of the world, but we all know that he's a bad person and a terrorist. How? Why did we decide upon this? I had never heard about SIMI organization ever before but if you ask me now after the recent serial blasts, I would wish all members of SIMI were hanged to death. Why such a stern view? I have been watching all this news, reading the papers. The police repeatedly tells me that they are BAD. I believe them. Maybe they are, maybe they are not, maybe some of them are. Here the role of media and press comes to the forefront. They are the ones who are forging our thoughts. A lot has been spoken, written and discussed and even media itself discusses "the role of media in our society".

I have been living in Jammu these days. Most people would be aware of the protests, clashes bandh situation in J&K. Here also lies a classic example of how the thoughts of people are charmed upon. The local news channel of Jammu called JK was completely in support of the samiti agitation and used to broadcast live protests and speeches and used to specifically show footages wherein the police used tear-gas and lathi and rarely showed the stone pelting act of the protesters against the police. According to them always the protest used to be peaceful and suddenly the police used to arrive and lathi charge them. Now what kind of views would a 16-17 year old get from this, one of hatred against the government, one of rebellion. Same has been happening in Kashmir for long. If you pick up one the local Kashmir papers you would quickly realise why they have so much anti-national feelings. Its full of articles on how Jammu is blocking medicine cargo to the valley, how the center government is turning a blind-eye to the feelings of the valley. I am no expert on J&K issues but its not tough to understand the role media has played in adding fuel to the fire..... ...

So how does one detach itself or not get influended by everything that is said
or written. That is a tough question? I guess deciding rationally after seeing all the facts on hand can be your best bet. Also thinking economically
about a matter, who gets to benefit the money, who loses the money can also give one a better view.

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